Antichi sapori della Costiera Amalfitana...

Holidays Fico d'India was born in 2005.

The beauty of the home, which was inherited from the owners grandparents, was the starting point for the new design, keeping one objective in mind: to maintain intact the Mediterranean atmosphere that has always characterized the coast while recuperating antic traditions of the Campagne region. The care of the gardens, rich with exotic plants, lemon and orange trees, shows the love that the new owners have for their property.

The choice of names was not difficult. "Fico d'India" or the prickly pear cactus is a plant that characterizes the Amalfi Coast and most all of Furore.

Holidays Fico d'India is positioned overhanging the Sea, along the Walloon named " Vottara " that joins the sea at " Fiordo di Furore " , just 6 km from Amalfi center and 14 km from Positano.

Holidays Fico d'India permits its guests to enjoy the double image of the coast, one side is characterized with the perfumes and sounds of the wild, rocky surroundings, the other side is the tradition of the warm and friendly hospitality.

  Ristorante Holidays Fico D'India Via Aldo Moro 2
84010 Furore (SA)

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ristorazione Ristorante Pizzeria Ae Oche Docks Proposte per tutti i gusti e tutti i palati in una cornice giovane e vivace che sintetizza nel design lo stile dei locali americani con interni in legno, vecchie insegne e graffiti alle pareti e quello dei docks londinesi!